UWC to offer SA's first Immersive Technology diploma

The trending news in the world is that the University of the Western Cape (UWC) on Thursday, approached planned understudies and industry to the Postgraduate Diploma in an Immersive Technologies open day to be hung on Saturday.

The Postgraduate Diploma in Immersive Technologies open day will exhibit the Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality (VR) innovation on offer in the program, and driving specialists will be close by to answer every one of your inquiries.

AR comprises of an intelligent ordeal of a particular domain whereby PC produced perceptual data expand the items that live in reality, once in a while over different tangible modalities and VR replaces the client's true condition with a mimicked one.

UWC is the leading university in South Africa to offer a certify Postgraduate Diploma in e-Skills with Immersive Technologies Stream, which joins Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. The one-year program keeps running in an organization with a central immersive innovation organization - EON Reality.

Educator Antoine Bagula, leader of the Computer Science Program at UWC, said the program was imperative for South Africa since it offered improved discovering that was unrealistic without the AR/VR advances.

"A few examinations around the globe have uncovered that learning in an immersive situation prompts enhanced achievement rates contrasted with conventional methods for learning," he said.

He included that an ongoing report in South Africa on the Fourth Industrial Revolution found that all segments of industry wanted to utilize AR/VR to build their efficiency. These incorporate retail, mining, development, building, IT programming and administrations, wellbeing, instruction, coordination, fund, land, assembling and preparing reenactments.

Dr. Mmaki Jantjies, the senior instructor in Information Systems, stated: "UWC, in understanding the need to create abilities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, took a gander at banding together with EON Reality to upskill youthfully and up and coming Africans in expertise that is genuinely necessary, AR and VR. Understudies will have the capacity to figure out how to build up the innovation for immersive stages like head-mounted riggings and cell phones."

The program, alongside EON Reality, is a coordinated effort with UWC's bureau of software engineering in data frameworks. It reacts, to some degree, to priest of advanced education Naledi Pandor's call amid her spending discourse for tertiary foundations to deliver graduates who are prepared for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


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